Mike's musings

Whatever thoughts have been on my mind will probably end up here. Updated weekly, but perhaps more initially as I throw in some older things.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sunshine, sunshine, sunshiieeiine

Summer's here, and there's the occasional glance of midriff, legs and gals in summer clothes. Sunworshippers in light clothing in the parks all day. One of the best things about summer!

Of course, there have always been half-naked men on the streets too, usually ANYONE who works outside, delighted to use their work as a way of picking up a tan, perk of the job of course, and some of the younger ones delighting the aforementioned women. (No, I'm not jealous)

By young I'm meaning anyone around my age-ish. Yeah, I still think I'm young.

What I've noticed this year, more than any, is perhaps the young male sunworshippers. These aren't the guys out working, these are the sunlotioned up, lying in the park types.

Where did they come from? Have there always been such vain guys? Perhaps I'm only noticing them due to the lack of them in Japan?

No links or anything interesting to say today!


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