Sleep and Music

It's 0504 on Saturday morning and I am wide awake. Now if I had slept and then woken early, I would be barely awake, stumbling blindly around and struggling with tricky concepts such as balance and not colliding with furniture. In fact I have not been to sleep.
I really don't understand why I'm not tired when I go to sleep, but I am when I awake. I did nap for about an hour (Friday 8-9pm), but other than that, no sleep since Friday am, and then I only had 4 hours the night before. So this morning I was exhausted.
How can you start a day exhausted and 22 hours later be wide awake? Do we actually need sleep? Would less sleep make me less tired?
Anyway, this morning my mood is cheerful. This is why...
When I was in Japan I saw a music video on TV one day and watched desperately for it to be shown again. As soon as it was I wrote down the band, and as much of everything as I could (hey, there was kanji in there - it's harder than you might think). Next day I rushed to Tower Records to listen again, and I bought the album. I think I have listened to this album at least once a week since I got it in 2002. And now, the video that started it all is on Youtube! Kuchibashi Ni Cherry!
Along with some other favourites of mine from Love Psychedelico and the Brilliant Green.
Oh, and while you're there, you might as well check out Darth Vader
So yeah, and now it's 0535 hours, and I think I will try and do some of that sleep thing.
bu66er. They've removed the Ego Wrappin videos due to content violation. But isn't that what youtube's all about?
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