Mike's musings

Whatever thoughts have been on my mind will probably end up here. Updated weekly, but perhaps more initially as I throw in some older things.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Aerial Reptilians

My initial thoughts ran like this:

So they had edited the new film starring Samuel L Jackson to a PG rating, and it was to be called Pacific Flight 101. After post-editing advice they went back and reshot some of the film, gorier deaths, more violence and so on. They also decided to return to the original catchy title, Snakes on a Plane .

Maybe it's me, but this just doesn't inspire fear, or a desire to watch it. It just sounds cheesy. Remember, or think of, the wonderfully (woefully) titled B movies of the 1950's and 60's. Well this is a candidate.

Tonight, it even got a mention on the news.

Apparently the hype has been growing, and fans have managed to influence the script, by getting it made scarier.

You Tube has a bunch of home made videos made on the subject.

So it must just be me that thinks the name doesn't inspire, well, anything. One of the first titles the writer thought of, long before he got the opportunity to make the movie, or even pitch it was "Venom". But

It's a simple name, and following the structure you can make many tantalising movies.

naked girls on a plane. Yup, I'd go and see that.
snakes on a plain - could be an interesting documentary

Actually, I could be wrong there.

So I've thought about this a lot. I need to get out more, perhaps, but maybe it's a linguistic thing.

You see snakes don't really inspire terror, although they do create fear. "A plane" doesn't build any connection. At some point I realised that this sounds like a Japanese movie title. Japanese titles should be in English - because it's cooler, but many Japanese have a great difficulty in distinguishing between 'the' and 'a'. (There are no equivalents in Japanese)

Is it me, or is "Snakes on the plane" a better title?

Apologies, if you're trying to translate this into Japanese.

Oh, and when the news team asked someone that had seen the movei what they thought of it, they said it was a good film, in the vein of a 1950s B movie. Perhaps I have missed the point


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