Still Seeing (RED)

I've posted before about not liking the product (RED) concept before, and it's always nice when an expert turns out to have the same thinking as you.
The amount spent just promoting product (RED) is believd to be more than $100 million, but the total raised is around £11 million.
Not great. If I spent that much to raise that little, I suspect I'd be fired. of course, I am a professional fundraiser, and my job is not to sell credit cards, t-shirts or anything else, but that;s the key to this campaign. if it was a campaign to raise money, then it has failed. Dismally. If it was a campaign to raise awareness, like Live8, then I'm not convinced it has suceeded.
But it was neither. According to the site, it is not a charity, it is a business model. To quote " You buy (red) stuff, we get money, buy the pills and distribute them. They take the pills, stay alive and continue to take care of their families and contribute socially and economically to their communities. "
Then it has the audacity to add "If they don't get the pills, they die. WE DON'T WANT THEM TO DIE"
Actually, if they didn't want them to die, I think they might give a little bit more to buy pills. My advice would be to find the products that are the best value, and donate the difference directly. When you donate, don't forget to Gift Aid it (UK taxpayers), and I guarantee you, it'll prevent more people from dying.

Labels: AIDS, charity, marketing, product (red)
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