The man your man could smell like
I’ve mentioned the success of the Old Spice ads before, and just as I was about to blog about them, they upped their game.
It would have been all too easy for them to just keep on bringing out a new ad from time to time, upload it to youtube and be ‘doing’ social media. Instead their campaign will become one that is quoted, commented on and copied from now on.
Then, just as I was going to go through and cover why I thought it was so well done, someone else did it for me. I’d highly recommend that you read Scott Monty’s blogpost. Scott is the head of social media for Ford, so he should know what he’s talking about.
I think the temptation will be for companies to try to copy the formula directly. It won’t work for them, and it won’t work for you – not least because the ads themselves were very strong, but also because the first ad broadcast was during the SuperBowl
This kind of campaign doesn’t come cheap. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t lessons all businesses can take from it.
Instead of a single post, this is the introduction to a series of blogposts on lessons from the campaign, and how you could apply some them to your own business.
The next post: Mind your language...
This man might not smell like that man, but don’t say this man isn’t good to you.
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