Mike's musings

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Friday, July 30, 2010

East of Scotland Investment Fund launches - Business 7

East of Scotland Investment Fund launches

Jul 30 2010 By Greig Cameron

Scheme has £5m for SMEs

The East of Scotland Investment Fund was launching today with a remit to lend s5m to SMEs during the next five years.

It is modelled on the West of Scotland Loan Fund which has been running for 14 years.

Funding of s1.78m was secured from the European Regional Development Fund plus a private sector contribution of s1.5m from the Royal Bank of Scotland and s1.72m from nine local authorities.

It is hoped up to 1,000 new jobs will be created by the finance injection which will offer up to s50,000 to growing SMEs.

The Fund has set a target to help more than 330 business by 2015 and generate an additional s26m in sales.

George Sneddon, chair of the East of Scotland Investment Fund, said: It is well known and documented that access to finance remains a major hurdle to many SMEs who need to develop and grow.

"With this new resource, the fund will contribute significantly to the east of Scotland business community.

Applications are dealt with through each of the local authorities - Angus Council, Dundee City Council, The City of Edinburgh Council, Falkirk Council, Fife Council, Midlothian Council, Moray Council, Perth and Kinross Council and West Lothian Council.

More details of the initiative can be found at www.eastscotinvest.co.uk.

I see great value in this. Why on earth isn't there one like it in the North East? acsef? Anyone?

Posted via email from mikemuses's posterous


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