Mike's musings

Whatever thoughts have been on my mind will probably end up here. Updated weekly, but perhaps more initially as I throw in some older things.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


GAH!!!  “Thanks for the follow! Did you know we're also on Facebook? You can 'like' our page at..”  why even send that?.


I recently started following an ‘organisation’. I have my reservations about the organisation.  I think its name reveals the true intent behind it and that the focus is all wrong.  However, the aims are broadly positive.  Which is why I’m not naming it.


And then I get this auto- DM through twitter.

“Thanks for the follow! Did you know we're also on Facebook? You can 'like' our page at..” 


Why bother sending that? Maybe I HAVE ‘liked’ you on facebook, Maybe I don’t use facebook, or Maybe I don’t want you filling my facebook timeline with the things I read on twitter.  They have no idea how I feel about facebook.


But they DO know one thing.  When I’m reading that message, I’m on twitter so ENGAGE WITH ME THERE!

Otherwise they’re saying

a)      We’re ‘doing social media’ by broadcasting the same message on every medium

b)      We don’t really get it

c)       We don’t care what you think, we’re here to tell you what we think you should think.

And frankly, that last one was one of my reservations in the first place.

But it gets me thinking – when I get a new follower, I try to send a personal DM but don’t always have time – and sometimes decide I’m being followed by someone who will change their mind pretty quickly, and I don't bother - and sometimes, I'm clearly being auto-followed by an account I'm going to have no interest in engaging with.


I've never figured out a good startegy though.


So, on the off-chance that my latest twits find a post like this one – what are your thoughts on auto-DMs - and DMs to new followers in general? 

Posted via email from mikemuses's posterous


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