It's not an excuse, it's a reason.

As a singleton, I don't have to worry about the consequences of my actions on a partner. However, many of you out there, I believe are living within something called a 'relationship'.
As part of my research into these deep mysterious things called 'relationships', I have discovered the following things:
1. Many people who are not living in a 'relationship' want to do so.
2. Many people who are living in a 'relationship' find it can be tricky.
3. If you are in a 'relationship' excuses are no good. You need reasons
So I've checked out the best of these reasons, as given in a recent Japanese magazine Asahi Shukan , following an interview with Yuichi Higuchi, the author of best-selling book “Atama ga iihito, Warui hito no Hanashikata” (How smart and naïve people respond).
So here are some scenarios and solutions:
You go to your favorite hostess club and end up getting home past midnight. You find that your wife is not in the best mood. Here's the problem: How do you survive the situation?
Wrong answer: “I was working! Your life depends on it!”
Correct Answer: “Unless I work overtime, most likely I will have to work on weekends. We won’t be able to spend quality time together as a family if that happens.”
If your wife finds an email of you asking another woman out for a dinner
Wrong answer: It is not what you are thinking. Other people were also present.
Correct answer: (with a laugh) You are in violation of one’s privacy!
Why? If you try to make up some lies, then your wife will come back at you even more to the point. Try to make your wife laugh at the situation by any means.
If you forget your wedding anniversary
Wrong answer: Was it today? I will make it up some other time.
Correct answer: I remembered it, but there were no words good enough. I couldn’t even buy a present for our special day. My desire is to work hard so I can buy a diamond ring for you some day.
Why? It is never good to admit that you forgot your anniversary, so you should first and foremost make it clear to your wife that you were aware of the day. And just bring up the idea of giving her a present
So, should I ever find myself in a 'relationship', I will now be well prepared!
Coming soon, correct responses for work situations!
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