
I mentioned before, that once upon a time, we thought that the atom was the smallest thing in the Universe.
The word 'atom' means 'no cut', or 'can't split'. A- tom from 'tomer' - to cut, and the prefix 'A' meaning not.
But now we know it's not. The atom is made up of ..... other stuff.
I can hear you saying, what, Mike? What stuff exactly?
Well, it's mostly made of nothing.
An atom is more nothing than anything solid. Protons and neutrons in the middle - the nucleus, surrounded by the magic orbitting spinny bits, called electrons.
Ernest Rutherford, the first person to describe the inside of an atom likened the electron in an atom to a few flies in a cathedral.
The simplest element in the universe is hydrogen, a nucleus of a single proton orbitted by a single electron. If the proton was the size of a drawing pin, then the electron would be a pinhead, and it would be 1 kilometre away.
So basically, everything is mostly made of nothing. Good to know next time someone tells you that something is impossible.
He's making stuff up now!! Honest, I'm not.
Hi! I'm Miyoko. I was very sueprised when I found out your blog. Cool!! Great!! Looks so MIKE!! I have no time read all of them for now but I'll read them soon. See you later.
I made a mistake in latest comment. I wrote I have no time read.... But I have to write....
I have no time TO read all of them... from AWATEMONO MOKO
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Hi guys. Welcome to my blog. I'll be posting over on our new one soon.
Feel free to read this one, but bear in mind, it might be tricky.
A neutron walks into a bar, and says:
"Whisky please. Straight."
The barman nods, and the neutron says:"How much will that be?"
The barman looks him up and down and replies...
"For you Sir... NO CHARGE".
(Profound apologies).
Who'da thought there's be someone else out there with jokes as bad as mine! Ta mate!
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