Mike's musings

Whatever thoughts have been on my mind will probably end up here. Updated weekly, but perhaps more initially as I throw in some older things.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Changing Climates - Original Post Jan 4th 2010

CivilSociety now ask - does every charity need to be a climate change campaigner?

Environmental charities can be popular with a range of companies, especially those keen to promote their green credentials, but should every charity promote a climate agenda? Would it be simply jumping on the bandwagon, or would it ultimately harm the beneficiaries of the charity?

I don't think that adding an environmental aspect would bring a charity more supporters, to offset the increased costs of campaigning and working in a new area.

Would you be more likely to help a charity working to turn around children's lives if it also campaigned to recycle?

Would you choose an environmentally friendly cancer support charity over one that may or may not be working to reduce its 'carbon footprint'?

Or if you're passionate abut going green, have you already chosen to support an environmental cause?

But as ever, I appreciate your views.

Posted via email from mikemuses's posterous


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