Mike's musings

Whatever thoughts have been on my mind will probably end up here. Updated weekly, but perhaps more initially as I throw in some older things.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Remarkable doesn't always mean good - Original Post Feb 16th 2010

I posted a while back about being remarkable, the example I gave was doing something small, but unexpected to please your customers and get them talking about you.

It's very easy to get this wrong though, and our old pals at CarClinic managed to do just that just the other day.

call with a quote, check,

repairs done speedily, check,

collect car and it's clean and tidy, check.

So what's the problem? Well, it's a wee car, which means it's a wee rear window,which now, unexpectedly, has a biggish sticker on it.

A small and trivial matter.... Small, trivial, but displeasing. A person's car is very personal.(Caution Not safe for work)

A small trivial good thing can make a great difference to your customer, but so can a small trivial bad thing.

More problematic for CarClinic is that a small negative can outweigh a small positive. The adage says that a delighted customer will tell 3 people, but a disappointed one will tell ten.

Posted via email from mikemuses's posterous


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