Accepting Limitations - Original Post April 6th 2010
Seth does it again. This time he’s talking about refusing to accept limitations.
It's absurd to look at a three year old toddler and say, "this kid can't read or do math or even string together a coherent paragraph. He's a dolt and he's never going to amount to anything." No, we don't say that because we know we can teach and motivate and cajole the typical kid to be able to do all of these things.
Why is it okay, then, to look at a teenager and say, "this kid will never be a leader, never run a significant organization, never save a life, never inspire or create..."
In the UK, we tend to do just that. We’ll look at a teenager and say, “She’s a trouble-maker, a layabout, she’ll always steal because she’ll never stop taking drugs”. She’ll never get a proper job.
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