Mike's musings

Whatever thoughts have been on my mind will probably end up here. Updated weekly, but perhaps more initially as I throw in some older things.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The biggest one-day fundraising event in the world - Original Post April 9th 2010

That's what they say. And last year it raised £47million.


Ever wondered why charities ask for such large targets for their marathon runners? Or how the places are allocated?


There are a lot of good and bad things about the London marathon, and I think this programme will reveal a few of them.


It's a Friday night, so I'm sure one or two people will be heading* out, how I love Skyplus at times like this.



Channel 4's Dispatches will report on the London Marathon and in particular how much money it generates, how much it costs to stage, and how it is used by charities to fundraise.

Journalist Ben Laurance interviews charities to find out how much they pay to take part in the event and the competition amongst charities to gain places. He also talks to charities who do not get a chance to benefit from the UK's largest fundraising event and "the biggest one-day fundraising event in the world".


Dispatches: Tracing the Marathon's Millions will be broadcast tomorrow, Friday 9 April 2010, at 20.00 on Channel 4. It will be repeated on Friday 16 April on Channel 4 at 03.55.


Thanks to Howard Lake for the tip.



*careful how you type beheading.

Posted via email from mikemuses's posterous


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